Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Identity and a #BigWalk

The last few weeks, I have been having many late night discussions with some lovely call centre people in Manila. They were incredibly friendly and polite, but at the end of the day, they weren't able to help me fix my blog. I had to take my business elsewhere. While I did that, I also decided to change my blog address.

You see, I have big dreams. Big dreams, that are full of vivid colours, full of ideas and hopes that my little blog might one day have a direction. So, for the time being, it is going to seem I am having an identity crisis. My blog address says one thing, my blog is called BossyMummy, I have a BossyMummy Facebook page, but my twitter name is @RedDirtMum and my instagram identity is @reddirtblueskies. Confused yet? Me too. But until we make our move North, and I have a bit more time to devote to this, I think it is best to stay this way. A bit of a higgle-de-piggle-de mess, but quite representative of me!

A few months ago, Glowless from Where's My Glow put a call out to Perth Bloggers and Tweeps (People Who Tweet) to get involved in the John Hughes Big Walk to raise money to support our local children's hospital, Princess Margaret Hospital.

We walked the 6km, I had thoughts of doing the 15km, as I had run a similar 14km course in May, but I am so grateful we didn't - it was one of the worst days Perth has had weather wise all year - rain, lightening, thunder and at one stage, hail. We were saturated, but still smiling!

Glow was walking for her friends young son Adam, who was there on the day and the team raised over $1400 for the cause. Glow's team was Adam's family and friends and some bloggers. Pretty awesome stuff. The total raised for the walk was over $225,000.

I want to give a big shout out to the other bloggers who walked on the day-

Yvette from Little Bento Blog

Feli from My Life in Mono

Rhonda from Silly Mummy

Emma from Easy Toddler Food

And Rachel who tweets at @rachiepie6

All fab Perth ladies, so check out their blogs.

After all that exercise, I definitely deserved a treat. So I had some of this pie my lovely friend made - wow! I think I needed to do a few more laps of the river!!!

Another fabulous lady is Jess. Jess hosts I Blog On Tuesdays and she has just launched a new blog - and she had a launch party with party hats and ducks and everything! Her blog is now Essentially Jess, so head on over to check out some great posts.